Classified ads are still one of the most economical ways to get your business into the public eye. And, because classifieds do not demand high costs, in-fact there are many websites who provide customers with free classified ads posting service, they are a perfect marketing avenue for even new entrepreneurs. Here are some tips to help you write ads that will make the difference between mediocre ads to great ads that get good or even exceptional results.
Ads that are short and precise have better results, so keep your ads precise and meaningful. The goal of placing your ad should only be to get more customers or traffic to your site for more information. If your listing does not elicit that response, then you should rework it until it does. It simply means that you should place your ad in right category, if you didn't get good response then change the category.
You can also use action words that will prompt a response from the reader. For example, words such as: amazing, attractive, confidential, etc., are all words that compel the reader to do something. You want to make your product or service appear unique to all other products or services on the market (if any). Spend a few minutes to identify what is unique about your product or service or solicit feedback from friends or family about what would appeal to them should they need a product or service such as yours. Use this uniqueness to appeal to the market in the ad.
If your product is already over-marketed on the Internet or your ad is one that is "canned" or pre-prepared you are less likely to achieve good results. Develop your ad so that it is unique, draws the attention of the reader and then guides them to your site or product that is also unique and fresh.
Do not underestimate the power behind having a schedule for posting your ads. Post the same ads every 5-7 days. No more. No less. This will keep your ads in front of the readers and you will avoid being black-listed for spamming. Spamming is an incredible annoyance that is truly deterring good customers from Internet buying. Simply do not send SPAM!
These simple and easy-to-use tips can make the difference between ads that deliver mediocre results or those that deliver eye-boggling, heart-pounding results. You will need to develop your own style for writing your ads and then practice. If you can infuse these simple steps into your advertising campaigns you will be well on your way to posting classified ads that get results!
Ads that are short and precise have better results, so keep your ads precise and meaningful. The goal of placing your ad should only be to get more customers or traffic to your site for more information. If your listing does not elicit that response, then you should rework it until it does. It simply means that you should place your ad in right category, if you didn't get good response then change the category.
You can also use action words that will prompt a response from the reader. For example, words such as: amazing, attractive, confidential, etc., are all words that compel the reader to do something. You want to make your product or service appear unique to all other products or services on the market (if any). Spend a few minutes to identify what is unique about your product or service or solicit feedback from friends or family about what would appeal to them should they need a product or service such as yours. Use this uniqueness to appeal to the market in the ad.
If your product is already over-marketed on the Internet or your ad is one that is "canned" or pre-prepared you are less likely to achieve good results. Develop your ad so that it is unique, draws the attention of the reader and then guides them to your site or product that is also unique and fresh.
Do not underestimate the power behind having a schedule for posting your ads. Post the same ads every 5-7 days. No more. No less. This will keep your ads in front of the readers and you will avoid being black-listed for spamming. Spamming is an incredible annoyance that is truly deterring good customers from Internet buying. Simply do not send SPAM!
These simple and easy-to-use tips can make the difference between ads that deliver mediocre results or those that deliver eye-boggling, heart-pounding results. You will need to develop your own style for writing your ads and then practice. If you can infuse these simple steps into your advertising campaigns you will be well on your way to posting classified ads that get results!