Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Useful Tips for writing a Powerful Classified Ad

Most of us know that Classified ads are a good source of free internet marketing. But sometimes classified ads don’t generate such good results as we are expecting, it really doesn't mean that classified ads are not working but it means that we make some mistake. So it's the time to write about how a classified ad has to be organized so it can bring you more results.

It doesn't matter how good the product you're selling is or how many ads you publish if the message cannot be understood by the potential clients. So here we analyse what happens when a visitor browsing a classified website.

What does a visitor do? 

  • He is browsing the classified ads on different websites. 
  • He might filter by category or region if filters are available. 
  • He is looking at the classifieds in the listing. 
  • The interest and attention to the classifieds listed is going down; after the first 3-5 pages he will abandon the browsing; most likely to succeed ads are the ones listed in the first half of the first page; we are talking about 10 ads at most. 
  • At each ad he will look first at the image, then at the title and then, if the ad looks interesting, he will look at the short description. 
  • If all looks good he will click to see your ad and you have won the first battle, the listings battle; now you have to win the ad page battle. 

If the Visitor Clicked on your Ad

You've not yet achieved your goal if the visitor clicked your ad to see further details. Let’s see what’ll be the visitors behaviour.

  • He already knows the title of the ad so he only checks it to see it he's on the right page. 
  • He looks at the image, then at the price, if available. 
  • Scrolls down too look at more images. 
  • He gets back to the ad description and starts reading. 
  • He will read not more than 2 lines before he decides if he should read more or go browse for more ads. 
  • If he likes the ad he will look for either the contact form or a save functionality or send to email functionality 

Now according to this analysis all you have to do is to write a good attractive ad which contains a good title (which also contains a keyword), an impressive image (use same picture as your website it’ll help visitor in finding you anywhere else), real price of your product (If you have a range of prices put the lowest price, if you sell something in packs of 10 for example put the price for one item.), a short description (Write here the essential about what's in your ad, trow in some keywords), long description (Insert testimonials, proofs of what you say, expert quotes, about yourself etc.) & contact info (Put phone number, publish your email id which is specific for this purpose, always provide a link to your website or you can also add contact info in image you inserted).

Follow these steps and leave a good comment down here if you get good response.
Useful link to post a free Classified Ad:  http://www.ppnclassifieds.com/