Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Effective Internet Marketing With Classified Ads

There's no better sale than one that comes from a free advertising source. When researched and implemented correctly, free classified ads can earn you a lot of revenue. The only investment required is your time and creativity. Thousands of sites can be found easily by the use of a search engine for free classifieds ad posting service. In reality, you can place a few ads in the evening with different sites and have a sale the next day.

When placing your ad in several directories it is recommended to put your tracking data (your login information, the section where your ad was placed, your ad copy and the expiration date) in an excel spread sheet. You will find that most free ads will expire within a thirty day period. 

Free classified ads can be a great way to test your ad before you spend money on pay per click campaigns. Your goal should be to place as many ads in as many different sites as you can to determine if your ad copy is effective and pulling a response. The ad copy should be written so that it will generate curiosity and inspire the prospect to take a call to action by clicking on your site, downloading a free report, or downloading an eBook. 

There are some companies that you can find that will place your ad as well as distribute them to other ad providers which will save you time, however, you might be charged a small fee for this service. As free on line advertising is gaining popularity it is getting more sophisticated regarding the use of search engines and integrating the niche market of product or service. Again, there is nothing better than free traffic that converts to free sales!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice read to your blog which is related to my searches. Thanks for posting this detail here. Post Free Ads in Pakistan
